Friday 1 April 2011

first week done mcdone

Yes, i have at last reached the gloriousness of friday, thank god as i'm EXHAUSTED!  First week has been an experience- we have been quite short staffed so a case of jump in at the deep end and join in when you're able to.  Think it's so tiring mainly due to the heat, doing anything outside when it's so hot is a bit draining, i'm starting to think that magic word 'acclimatisation' is made up by fairies....  Yesterday was really good as we had a birthday party for all of the kids whose birthday it had been this month, apparently this happens on every last day of the month.  We took music down to the 'field' (not like any english field i've ever seen!) and they had such a good time taking it in turns to do dance routines, i have honestly never seen such wiggly children in my life they're awesome!  We played games- one of which was quite the most bizarre game i've ever witnessed.... tying a balloon to every child's ankle with string and then they run round manically trying to pop each others balloons, so funny to watch.  We took cake and ice cream and handed this out along with the usual meals, fruit and vitamins and they are so polite, every one makes sure they and the others say thankyou which was lovely to see.  Unfortunately i have been my usual accident prone self this week- so far i've managed to bash my head twice, put a really heavy massive pan down on my toe and then finally today i burnt my ankle on the same massive pan which contained boiling hot curry.  It was so painful i was just sat with anything cold that i could get my hands on on it and was then supposed to be going out into the sun again but my lovely friend sally instructed me to go home instead. Probably a good thing as i've only just now been able to bear it without ice on it, will have to put an ugly bandage or something on it before i go out tomorrow so the sun doesn't make it worse. 
On tuesday the indian family who live in the house downstairs and who own my apartment invited me down with the ominous question "do you like spicy food?".  I have to admit i was a little apprehensive that my weak english taste buds wouldn't cope but they gave me the most yummy little pastries with spiced veg in, every time i finished one the grandmother of the house brought me another- at this rate i'll leave here like a balloon myself!  They have a beautiful little boy who screams and waves at me whenever he sees me which is a good response to get!
I have made friends with a lady called sally who is also a volunteer and is out here volunteering with her daughter ella.  They are both lovely and have just moved to the same town as me so hopefully i will be able to see them often.  i went out for some food with them last night, ventured into Baga for the first time which is the next town along from Calangute (where I am) and is where all the nightlife is.  It was good to just feel like I was on holiday for an evening!  Think i'm going out with them and another volunteer, Emily, tomorrow.  We are hopefully going to venture further north to vagator beach which is quieter than the beaches here and then to the weekly saturday night market in the evening. 
This has turned into another mammoth post as I haven't been on all week!  I will leave you with the irony that while i'm desperately trying to get as tanned as possible as i'm convinced i look better with a tan, there is an advert which is on tv all the time for a men's product which turns skin lighter- oh how vain we all are! xxx


  1. Finally managed to set my blog account! I love that the owners of your flat are feeding you up!! Look after that leg ( I know I have already given you the 3rd degree but listen to me young lady!!) Lots of cream and keep it clean! So proud of all the work you are doing and looking forward to joining you in 2 weeks! xx

  2. Hi liz !!
    Liv has finally shown me how to add to your blog, so now I can !!
    Hope you are well, and you burn isn't too painful. Your apartment looks cool and are you now coping in the heat ? The spring is coming here, getting warmer and buds have budded...
    Hoping you're safe and healthy.
    Jo x

  3. Hi Lizzy, I managed to set up my login too so can leave comments as instructed!
    Well done on the first week, sounds amazing and glad your becoming more and more settled in your new home. Take care of yourself, maybe put someone else on 'massive curry pan' duty if possible!
    You could be in for a massive party tonite the way the crickets going, get yourself into a bar and if in doubt just shout 'Tendulkar!'
    x Sean

  4. I'm really impressed with how much you have done! your apartment looks brilliant, good find!It really takes me back, your description of the children is spot on! they love holding hands and could happily let you swing their arms back and forth for hours!
    I am envious of you and your adventure, its a wonderful thing to do and a wonderful thing to be doing...
    Take Care Yound Lady!
    Tracy and Zach xxx
