Friday 29 April 2011

an emotional day.........

Sorry I haven't been on here and written anything for a couple of weeks.  In case you missed me saying before, my best friend Gem has been here for the last 2 weeks, she came out here on holiday and to spend my birthday with me and we've just had the most amazing time.  I cannot thank her enough for making my 30th so BEAUTIFUL!  Sometime this weekend I am going to come and write up what we have done in the last two weeks, I was planning on doing this today but I have a big egg timer in my head that is counting down towards the wedding and so I'm a bit lacking in time and concentration today!  It is an emotional day for this reason (always blub at weddings, never mind the wedding of a prince!) plus Gem left late last night so I'm feeling a bit sad, having been with her all the time for the last two weeks it now feels like I'm missing a vital ligament, plus of course because of my amazing, gorgeous video.  Just watched it again and cried just as much.  I know I'm gushing now but I honestly don't feel like I can say thankyou enough to Em, Becs and Pete for creating the most precious birthday present.  And of course I have to say thankyou to my old colleagues and students at St George's for being dragged into the crazy scheme!  Miss you all but having a fab time.  I promise I will come and write up probably essays worth of what me and Gem have been up to in the last two weeks, either tomorrow or Sunday.  Until then I will upload a couple of pictures just to keep things interesting!
Sunset at 'Thalassa', Greek restaurant we went to in 'Little Vagator'


  1. Cocktails look great ..... very jealous.
    lots of love Vicky x x
    PS Think I have just messaged you instead of writing on your wall, sorry still learning how your blog works!!

  2. Hello Lizzy
    Lovely pics and what a fab video clip from your friends (made me well up just thinking about you sat watching it!!)
    Glad you had a nice birthday, being 30 really is not as scary as people make it out to be and lets face it we are very young 30 year olds, in fact I got ID'd only yesterday buying a bottle of wine!!
    We will have to all meet up when you get back and have belated birthday celebrations.
    So have you seen clips from the fab Royal Wedding today yet? It was lovely and they really did look very happy together. Kate is gorgeous and her dress was stunning. Hopefully any tears you did shed whilst watching the clips were happy ones!!
    You take care and update this blog soon as I am keen to learn about your adventures with Gem!! Big hugs Vicky x x

  3. Ok I've not had time to look at the blog since I got back and was just looking at my photo's from my fab time with you. Log on and within seconds I'm gushing as much as you were on the day of the royal wedding! I had the most amazing time babe and glad you enjoyed your 30th! xxxx
