Saturday 30 April 2011

My Birthday Week- part 2

So!  Following on from the last post now we get to the most fun bit- Palelom and turning 30!  On Monday we headed from Dandeli down to Palelom in South Goa, which was another 4 hour taxi ride.  Palelom is beautiful, much less touristy than Calangute, where I live.  There are some amazing little shops and gorgeous restaurants and the beach is breathtaking, and is where they filmed Matt Damon running along the beach in The Bourne Identity (or Supremacy, one of them..).  We stayed in a really nice place called 'The Village Guesthouse' which was expensive by Indian standards but still cheaper than a similar standard of place at home.  It's run by a British couple and there are only 8 rooms which means you get to know the people who run it and the other guests, especially when the cocktail waiter starts serving cocktails on the balcony!  It was so good to have a few days of staying in a luxury place and we felt totally spoilt.  My birthday celebrations started on the eve of my birthday when we got a little boat out to the rocks at the far end of the beach and watched the sun go down with a nice drink- bliss.  Then in the morning Gem had lots of cards for me which friends and family had sent to her (thanks guys!) and presents for me to open, most of which were promptly worn that day!  As we were eating breakfast the owners of the guesthouse and the staff then appeared with a chocolate birthday cake which said 'happy birthday lilybet' (with candles and EVERYTHING!) on it and sang happy birthday which was really sweet, both the gesture and the cake.  We then spent my birthday chilling on the beach before going for full body massages at a little spa.  Now I've had lots of massages at home and this was NOTHING like I've ever experienced- definitely more painful than relaxing but I'm sure it was somehow good for me.....and we got to laugh at each others 'in pain' faces!    In the evening we went out for a lovely meal and met up with some of the other people who were staying at the guesthouse for a few drinks.  A perfect day! 
We came back up to Calangute on Thursday evening before I had to finally wave Gem goodbye which was a bit sad, I've become so used to having her here the last 2 weeks it now feels strange being on my own again, but I will readjust.  I literally cannot thank her enough for an amazing 2 weeks, especially the last week when I have been on holiday too.  So it's back to work for me tomorrow, getting another blast of tanning this afternoon before then though, I have to work on my tan before the rains come!  I'm just trying to upload some photos of the week but it's playing up so I will post this log just so I don't accidentally delete it and then work on the photos..........

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