Monday 28 March 2011

first day...

Yes the holiday has ended- today was my first day at CWT.  It was sort of like every first day in a new job in that you spend it sort of trailing around feeling a bit like a spare part and trying to be useful in any way you can!  Met some of the other volunteers though which was really good and one of them is moving into the same place as me on saturday so it will be good to have her nearby.  This morning (after waking up early for the first time in a couple of weeks...) I got the bus to Mapusa and then changed to get another bus out to the mango house (marcella if you're reading this I was thinking about your 'particular way' shall we say of catching buses and whether you would get away with it here!).  Mapusa bus station is crazy!  Not sure I have ever seen that many buses so when I got there I was wondering how on earth I was ever going to find the right one.  I asked a couple of bus conductors and luckily it was just opposite where I got off the first bus so it was OK I scrambled on to it just as it was pulling off (no pesky health and safety here you just leap!).  CWT goes out to 2 slum areas currently.  I went to the first one this morning, called Karaswada, where we just had small children who don't go to school (the older children go to school 6 mornings a week).  We spent a couple of hours doing alphabet, numbers, songs and colours.  They practise writing numbers and letters on little chalk boards and on the chalk board at the front and they practice recognising different letters, with each one standing for a word and an action (D is for dance- I liked that one!).  It was really good, the children are so enthusiastic, noisy, keen to learn and chuffed to bits when they get something right and you praise them.  They also like sitting next to you or holding your hand and swinging around endlessly!  It was then back to mango house for a yummy lunch before I went to the other slum area called crossroads in the afternoon.  We had a mix of different ages here as the older ones finish school at lunchtime.  To be honest I'm sat here wondering how to describe it as I did find it quite difficult.  Although it is a tiny slum the conditions are dreadful, I don't think it would matter how much preparation and research you did beforehand, when you actually are there it is something else.  I did feel a bit choked just seeing the awful conditions the families are living in, but again the children are so happy and energetic and full of beans.  The older ones did homework and the younger ones read books, sang songs, played games and did some colouring in.  It is amazing to see how excited and happy they are to receive a colouring sheet and a crayon, obviously something which school children in the UK take so much for granted.  Unfortunately, we discovered that 4 small children had been surviving without their parents, who had gone away somewhere, for the past 4 days.  the youngest of which can't have been more than 18 months ish.  They were taken back to mango house and fed big meals and washed and given clean clothes and patched up medical wise.  Obviously this was quite difficult to comprehend and, to be honest, quite heartbreaking, but at least they have the help of CWT.  So all in all, I'm exhausted!  But glad to be doing something now.  I was starting to get a bit low being by myself all the time and by moving from my hotel to the apartment, I sort of disorientated myself as I had got to know where everything was near the hotel and now I have to start again.  But it's all part of the adventure I suppose!  Right that was an essay Ms Mawby would have been proud of (please don't correct it Jo!) so I better sign off.  Hope you're all well.  St George's students I hope you're being the wonderful well behaved young people you can all be and are working towardss your exams.... (do you need another reminder?  I'm sure you're getting lots already!).  Please post a comment on here if you're reading this it would be lovely to hear from you.  And just to say again- thankyou so much for the amazing send off, I've shown the poster you made me and the card to everyone! xxx


  1. that sounds amazing, made me choke even reading it so i cant imagine what its like when you're there. focus on the on the positive you and CWT are doing! everybody feels like that when they start a new job, i'm sure in no time you'll be organised and feel like part of the furniture! you're apartment looks nice, quite big! i'll try and call you in the evening your time on Tuesday! xxxxx

  2. Wow... can't even begin to imagine what it's like but so, so amazing how happy and smiley the kids are.. really puts it into perspective how we take EVERYTHING for granted... including me taking you for granted when you were over here... missing you loads Mrs :( So nice to get your emails and see your blog updates tho... we're all thinking of you loads...
    lots of love... :)
    Em Squem xxx

  3. Hey Beautiful! This sounds absolutely mind blowing! the kind of stuff we all see on telly and say "wow, thats so sad, I wish I could do something to make a difference" and here you are doing it! I love that! You are so amazing Lizzy, we all love you very much for being so brave and beautiful....and a little shiny! :) The children sound fantastic and a welcome change from the over fed, over indulged, ungrateful children this country has a habit of raising! (Sorry thats a bit political isn't it!)

    Well done on the first day, sounds like a lot in one go. Bet they loved you! Your apartment looks lovely too... Keep up the amazing work and keep up the blog! I'm gonna tell everyone to read it and leave comments too.

    Speak soon,

    Lots of Love

    Petey Pete xx

  4. Hey Liz

    Sounds like you are settling in well, must be nice to have your own apartment sorted and adding a few of your own touches will make it feel nice and homely ….. good choice of throw!!

    I can't really imagine what it's like to go to the slums and see how these families live .... I definitely would be in shock and probably shed a few tears!! But at least you are in a position to offer help. Bringing the children back to Mango House, giving them a decent meal, clean clothes and a bit of TLC probably means the world to them.

    Anyway you take care and keep up the blog as I am loving keeping upto date with your adventures.

    Hugs and kisses
    Vicky & Dave x x

  5. hi lovely liz!
    your adventure so far sounds amazing, although i was just crying when i read about those young ones being missing! you look like you are settling nin nicely, and i am very jealous of your brown-ness!!! back at work tomoprrow after a lovely easter break, will get the kids to log on and take a look, they have been asking about you so am sure they will enjoy catching up with how you are doing! make the most of every moment! me and the boys have really enjoyed catching up with your blog today!
    lotsa love
    sarah x x x x
