Thursday 24 March 2011

wobble averted...

was feeling a bit lost and bewildered yesterday but feeling more settled today after an afternoon at the beach,sorry to rub it in! think i'm just getting a bit lonely to be honest as i haven't really met anyone yet but i start my job on monday so hopefully that will improve.  i looked at a few more apartments yesterday and in true liz style, went back to one of the first ones i saw and decided to take that, it's just the same as dresses!  just got to go and confirm it tomorrow but they know i want it fom saturday so should be ok.  can't remember whether i described it in last blog but it's 1 bedroomed apartment with kitchen with fridge and gas hobs,  bathroom and lounge/dining room with dining table and chairs, sofas and tv with cable so can get some american channels, although i've watched a bit on the tv in my hotel room at mo and it's terrible!  oh and it has ac which will be handy as apparently it just gts hotter and hotter from now until the monsoon in may/june. oh and it's a few mins walk from the beach!  am gong to get indian sim card once i have my new address tom so will email the number and my new address, was going to put them on here in a state of sun induced blondeness but then realised anyone in the world can read this, scary.... am going to try to put some pics up here in a min, just a few of the beach that i've taken so far. and the cows. cows are EVERYWHERE here and seem to have much more importance than anything else on the road, inc humans, i was walking next to a mummy cow and her 3 calves yesterday and decided to stick with them as that seemed to be th safest option!  oh and also, wait for it........... I HAGGLED! ok so it was only for a bag and i still prob payed  well more than it's worth but still, it's a start and it wasn't as bad as i thought, kinda like chicken. ok going to try and attach these photos now, fingers crossed.....sorry guys i bought the little gadget that plugs into the computer and you put the memory stick into it but i can't get it to work, any tips?! will try again tomorrow, slaters x

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