Monday 21 March 2011


After what seemed like a mammoth journey, I arrived here yesterday in the middle of the night.  First impressions? Hot, lively and a total assault of all 5 senses!  So far I have managed to give myself an electric shock trying to fix a lamp- lesson learned- do not fiddle with electricity here, or at least turn it off first.... but i'm loving indian tea, although it may give me the sugar habit for life.  I arrived on 'Holi' day yesterday, a Hindu festival, managed to miss most of it by being asleep (shock) but when I ventured out there was still music and people dancing and brightly coloured chalk and paint everywhere, all over people and the street.  It looked like an artist had just dropped a huge bomb of colour and it had exploded everywhere.  I am already getting used to saying no i don't want a taxi every 5 seconds, my skin and hair colour makes it hard for me to blend into the background as much as I'd like but as I say I'm getting used to it already.  I'm hopefully going to go and visit The Mango House this afternoon to meet people and start going about getting somewhere to live for the rest of my time here.  Although I will be loathed to leave the lovely air conditioned room I have at the moment.  Will write more when I have more news, for now that's all folks x


  1. Wow wow wow!!!! So chuffed you arrived safe and sound and it sounds like you've settled in well already!!!

    Can't wait to follow your little adventure! Have a good afternoon visiting Mango House and take some pictures asap!!!!

    Lots of love from me and Petey Pete! xxxxx

  2. Laura ex house mate and fellow diet partner21 March 2011 at 15:17

    Miss u!! Its so weird u not being in the room next door- one born every minute came up on the digi box to save :( But so pleased you have arrived safe and sound, it must be really surreal, festival sounds beautiful, hope u find some permanent accommodation soon. Not sure if I'll be braving WW tomorrow eve-may do a Gem and wait until I know i've lost some weight- the curry on saturday night and plough roast will definitely have blown the points (plus eating with you on tue-can u believe that was only a week ago!).

    Lots of love

