Friday 15 July 2011

Trip so far.....

Wow, the first few days of my trip has been amazing.  The group is a really good mix of ages and nationalities (English, Indian, Canadian, Australian, Danish, Austrian and Icelandic!) and everyone is really friendly and getting on well.  After starting in Delhi, we have been so far to Jodphur, Ranakpur and we are now in Udaipur.  The trip is so well organised and so we have seen some amazing things already, including a Rajasthan cultural show with all of the traditional folk dances, we visited a traditional family home of the bish noi sect of Hinduism and were given opium water, I have had a minature panting done on my nail and taken part in a painting class where we were taught the art of traditional Rajasthan minature paintings, I helped make chapatis in a Sikh temple and we have seen some amazing old forts and palaces with breathtaking views.  It is very hot up here, much hotter than Goa, it was 42 degrees in Jodphur.  I have taken my first sleeper train from Delhi to Jodphur which was actually ok, apart from the people that get on the train in the middle of the night and start really loud conversations! This is my artwork from the painting class today, I was quite proud of my little self!  I will put up some more photos when I have more time.....

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