Wednesday 11 May 2011

random photos....

Been off work for last couple of days with totally random dizziness, sort of feels like I've had a few beers all the time but I assure you I haven't, unless I've been raiding the fridge in my sleep...... anyway starting to feel a bit more normal so thought I'd test my 'walking in a straight line' ability by venturing up to internet cafe, here in one piece you'll be pleased to know!  Looking forward to getting back there tomorrow, although I promise if I'm still dizzy I'll go and get it checked out, think it's probably just the heat though.  ANYWAY, while I'm here I thought I'd put a few random pictures on that I just found.....
 My birthday easter egg from the volunteers.
 Packing those 1000 pencil cases......

St Anthony's Chapel at the end of my road- the Goa version of the farm in the middle of the M62!


  1. Good to hear you are feeling a bit better Liz. It looks like quite a production line pencil case packing, think I would enjoy that!!

  2. hi liz1
    alex here!
    i am missin you a lot1 i hope you are having a nice time. today is my last day at st georges they are letting me go back to school on monday,
    good luck for the future thankyou everything
    alex y10 x x x x x

  3. hi alex,
    ah it's lovely to hear from you thankyou for your comment. i've been wondering how you all are and missing you all. that's fantastic news about school, i always thought we would never be able to hang on to you forever at st george's! i hope you settle back in quickly, i'm sure you will. having a brilliant time out here, the monsoon will start soon though which is quite exciting/scary! wishing you the very best of luck back at school, say hello to everyone at st g for me.
    liz x
