Sunday 29 May 2011

one trip booked and one tooth chipped- to go.

Well, good news and bad news folks.  Good first you say?  I booked myself onto a two week group tour of Rajasthan for after I finish at the charity.  It's with a tour operator called 'Gap Adventures' and all looks very exciting.  I've very cleverly (ahem) copied a map below of our route, it's basically a whistle stop tour of as many places as you can physically see in 15 days-
Route map for Rajasthan Adventure (AHRA)
The tour is full so there should be 15 people on it in total, plus the guide, so I'm hoping there'll be some people at least who I'll get along with.  We travel by bus, car, rickshaw and overnight train, oh and camel.... so it all should be very interesting.  The tour starts in Delhi on 10th July so I've got just over a week to pack up here and get myself up there.  I'm just starting to look at the best way to do that.  I also now need to think about what I'm going to do after the tour finishes on 24th June.  Ideally I'd like to go up to Amritsar, Dharmshala and then down to Varanasi before coming home but I've got to investigate how do-able that is.  I've called Qatar Airways and they have flights available at the moment during the week before my visa runs out on 13th August but obviously I need to decide and change my flight asap in case they sell out.

Ok, bad news- for those of you that didn't know, I have a cap on my front tooth as I broke it when I was little.  Well, I HAD a cap on my front tooth until Friday evening that is, when it accidentally broke off when someone accidentally nudged me when I was drinking a drink (orange juice, obviously...).  It didn't hurt and I managed to get into a really good dentist's yesterday who has put a temporary cap on for now and is making me a new one which will be ready in a few days.  So alls well that ends well.  That really didn't sound as dramatic as I'd hoped actually.......xx

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz, sounds like you're still having a fab time! Adam and i have been back from goa for a month now and it seems like it was only yesterday we were there :(
    We had a wicked time with you guys so glad i have finally found your blog - we lost the note you gave us (im sorry!!) with your numbers etc on. Can you do me a favour and email me when you get a spare minute -, with gemma's number / email address? I know she lives in teh cottswolds so wanted to speak to her about this hen do im sorting there!
    Also we're meeting up with other adam and tracey and all the others some time soon so we will miss you! Hope all is well and so lovely to meet you. xx Lisa
